Do you need more than 10 separate pages of content?
Will a modified template design work for you? Do you need a flexible design that can be totally customized for a specific look?
Will you have more than 250 photos?
Do you need a variety of forms, more than a basic contact form with email and message?
Will your website need frequent changes? Do you need to make your own updates?
Do you have the the ablity to resize, crop and optimize your photos?
If you do not have your own images, do you need a lot of stock images for banners or page content?
Do you need more than a basic photo gallery with the ability to rearrange the photo order and layout?
Do you need the ability to store files like pdf, Word, and Excel for people to download?
Do you need built-in analytics to track website activity?
Do you need the ability to take payments? Will you have more than 10 items for sale?